Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Love handles make you look bad on the overall figure. But if you want to eliminate (Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home) them from the root. So you have to have passion.

The more slowly the fat is reduced, the more it will go from the root. Just have to pay attention. That’s the basics. Because if you know the basics, then you will be able to easily eliminate love handles at your home.

In this post, we will give you step-by-step information on (Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home) Whom if you follow like this then definitely you will get rid of love handles forever. So let’s move on to the post.

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What Exactly Is Love Handles?

What Exactly Is Love Handles?

Most of the fat in our body is stored around our stomach. When fat accumulates on both sides of the waist. And when you sit So it takes the shape of a tire around your stomach. Which we also call side tires.

Due to this wrong diet, indulgence, overeating, and high-calorie food, fat gets deposited on the lower part of the waist. Apart from this, hormonal imbalance, PCOD, PCOS diseases also cause an increase in the waist.

Which we have started giving the name of love handles in fancy language. This part of the body is the most stubborn. From where reducing fat takes a lot of time. But don’t worry, it’s not impossible.

Can Love Handles Be Genetic?

Yes, love handles can also be genetic. Which you get from your jeans. And it determines the shape of your body. You cannot change your body shape.

Yes, but reducing them is not as difficult as you think. This is my personal experience. With a diet and exercise routine, you can reduce your love handles to a great extent.

But in how much time and how will your body adapt to exercise and a healthy diet. It depends on the metabolism of your body.

Why It’s Hard To Let Go Of Love Handles Quickly

Why It's Hard To Let Go Of Love Handles Quickly

The stomach is one such part of the body. Where most of the body fat is stored. So eliminating love handles (fat) from here takes some time.

Due to this, you get demotivated very soon. But for this, you will need to have patience. And at the same time, you have to make your lifestyle healthy.

Not only with exercise, but you have to make changes in your diet. Only then will you be able to eliminate your love handles.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home Without Exercise

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home Without Exercise

If you want love handles to fly away completely and never come back. So you can’t blow off love handles with just exercise. Rather, you have to make your diet healthy too to completely blow them away. Because without a healthy diet, you cannot eliminate love handles from the root.

A healthy diet will provide nutrients to your body. For this, you do not need to follow any diet chart. You can make your own diet chart. Just keep in mind that you make your diet chart in such a way that your food is water-rich, wholesome, living, and plant-based.

Before starting a healthy lifestyle, measure your waist. Or you can also take a photo of yourself. By which you will get motivated.

1. Add Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables

1. Add Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables

Add seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet. Seasonal because of where you live. According to the environment there, your body will quickly observe the nutrients of all those fruits and vegetables.

Try to eat them raw. If not, then you can make their juice, and smoothies and drink them. If you want to make your smoothies sweeter. So you can add peanut butter, dates, and jaggery.

Do not add some lime, sugar, salt to the juices. But if you take the juice of Fruits and Vegetables in the morning then it will be more beneficial. You can also add these juices to your diet as a breakfast.

2. Add Healthy Fats To Your Diet

Add Healthy Fats To Your Diet

Healthy fat is found in all types of dry fruits, seeds, eggs, avocado healthy oils like coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil, etc. Which will increase the good cholesterol (HDL) by removing bad cholesterol (LDL) from your body.

Along with this, it will also give enough protein to your body. Healthy fat plays a big role in reducing love handles. which cannot be denied. And don’t worry, it won’t make you fat.

3. Include Wholesome Food In Your Diet

Include Wholesome Food In Your Diet

To reduce love handles, you should include wholesome food in your diet. Such as brown rice, wheat flour, oats, gram flour, soybean, millets, etc. All these foods are high in fiber. Which are helpful in blowing up love handles quickly.

4. Get Quality Sleep

Get Quality Sleep

Your sleep is also very important to eliminate love handles. If you sleep well. So you feel energized throughout the day. And you do not feel tired throughout the day.

So that all your work gets done on time. Avoid sleeping during the day to get sound sleep. Due to this, you will get fast sleep at night. And the quality of your sleep will increase.

5. Keep Body Hydrated

Keep Body Hydrated

It is very important to have enough water in the body to blow the love handles from the body. Which works to detox your body. Detoxification reduces the extra body fat.

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Due to which your body will be clean throughout the day. The water acts to melt your love handles like butter. Our body can take only 250 ml of water at a time.

The rest of the water gets out of the body immediately, which can cause harm to our body instead of benefit. Therefore, it is beneficial to drink water little by little, not at once.

6. Eat Light Dinner

Eat Light Dinner

Dinner of the night also plays a big role in your journey to bring down your love handles. Eat food early in the night as much as possible.

And try to eat light food only. In which you can eat soups, salad or stir fry vegetables. You get a good amount of fiber in all of these. Which helps in reducing your love handles.

If you follow your diet like this. So you will be able to reduce love handles very soon. After the fat is reduced, the skin becomes loose. Which doesn’t look good. Therefore, with exercise, you will tone your waist. Which is very important.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles With Exercise At Home

This is how we designed the exercises. That you can do them at your home. In which you will not even need any equipment. These are all bodyweight exercises. watch the video below.

You must be thinking that it is difficult to do all these exercises. Warm-up is very important before starting any exercise. This reduces your chances of injury. In the beginning, do these exercises in low impact.

You will feel that you are getting soreness in the love handles and stomach area. As soon as your body will start adapting to all these exercises.

So it will go away in 2 to 3 days. For better results, you must do these exercises at least 5 days a week.

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast In 1 Week

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast In 1 Week

Yes, you heard it right. If you are following your diet and exercise routine properly. Along with this, if you add these additional habits to your list, then you will definitely be able to reduce love handles in 1 week.

1. Intermittent Fasting

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast In 1 Week

An American study found that intermittent fasting is a very simple and effective way to reduce extra fat and many diseases from the body. Which will automatically reduce your love handles. For this, you have to fast for 16 hours. If you have dinner at 8 o’clock. So your next meal will have to be done at 12 o’clock the next day.

If you are not able to do 16 hours then you can start with 14 hours or 12 hours also. And gradually increase the time. You can do your fasting time back and forth according to your work.

As if your dinner is at 9 o’clock then your next meal will be at 1 o’clock the next day. If your dinner is at 7 o’clock your next meal will be at 11 the next day. But you have to do dinner only light.

This will get you 16 horse fast overnight. This will give rest to your body. So that you will start reducing body extra fat. By taking energy from the glucose stored in your body, it will burn it.

And you will feel the energy in your body throughout the day. Not only this, but you will also get rid of many types of diseases from it. that is an (effective way to get rid of love handles quickly at home)


In the initial days, you may have problems of acidity, dizziness, etc. But it will get better in 4 to 5 days. If you feel hungry then you can take only coconut water, and vegetable juice. Apart from this, you cannot eat or drink anything, After that, you will have your next meal according to the hours of your intermittent fasting.

In the beginning, you do intermittent fasting for 10 days to 15 days, after that give a break of 15 days. an effective way to get rid of love handles quickly at home.

2. Full Day Fast

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast In 1 Week

We designed this fast that way. In which you will fast for the whole day. In which you have to eat only seasonal fruits. This fast will be kept for a full 24 hours.

You can keep this fast in an interval of 1 day in a week or 1 time in 10 days. This will give your body rest for the whole day. And the body will reduce the extra fat from the body. This is a great way to reduce your love handles.

If you are eating fruits in the first week of this fast. So in the second full-day fast day, you will only take vegetable juices. Nothing else. By doing this you will not be demotivated. And your test will also keep changing. You will also enjoy this fast.

In vegetable juices, you can take spinach, coriander, cucumber, curry leaves, celery sticks, etc. To make Vegetables Juice, if you use a mixer grinder instead of a juicer, then your juice will blend well.


Apple, carrot, beet juice, papaya, orange and carrot juice, or Musambi juice can be taken during fasting. You can change these fruits and vegetable juices according to your taste.

Dinner should be light the day before the full day fast. And in the next day morning, you will open this fast with one fruit or any vegetable juice of your choice, your lunch and dinner should also be light. Because your body will not be able to digest heavy food at once due to being on full day rest. Which is not right for your body.

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting or full-day fasting. Fasting not only causes your weight loss and your body also leaves many diseases. So that you can get rid of constipation forever. Along with this, you will feel the energy in your body throughout the day.

Your heart will be healthy. And you can get rid of diseases like diabetes, BP, thyroid, piles, and many more. Apart from this, healthy food will be digested well in your body.

Your body will fully benefit from it. Your muscles will be strong. But you should not do this fasting together for a long time. You can do this fasting every 2 to 3 months for 10 days or 15 days to get maximum benefits. that is an effective way to get rid of love handles quickly at home.

What Foods To Avoid To Get Rid Ff Love Handles Quickly

From your diet, refined flour and foods made from it, refined oils, sugar, and foods made from it should be removed from your diet forever.

What Foods To Avoid To Get Rid Ff Love Handles Quickly

Because it gives rise to extra fat in your body and skin diseases. And your metabolism slows down. Due to which the process of reducing your love handles is almost reduced.


In this post (Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles Quickly At Home) we have shared with you the best ways. It is completely healthy.

Because in a healthy way, eliminating love handles from the body is the right way. So that your love handles can’t come again soon.

By following all these diets and exercises by gaining step-by-step information through this post, you will not only get rid of your love handles but also many other extra weight and diseases.

A healthy lifestyle can give a new twist to your life. In the initial days, you may have minor problems like acidity, fatigue, dizziness, but here they will be for some time only if you overcome them then you can get a life that you only imagined.

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